Fireworks are terrifying to ALL animals
domestic dogs & cats, as well as all creatures in the wild.
July 4th is the biggest day of intake at the shelters
as so many pets run to escape the loud booms of the fireworks.
Keep them safe!
And remember all the poor critters in the wild too,
as they have no place to escape to for safety.
Most pets panic when they hear fireworks. They forget where they are and that they are in safe surroundings. They will bolt out of a house if they see an open door, they jump out a window if open, pull the leash out of your hand or even have snapped them, jump over the fence if left in the yard and run, run, run to escape the deafening sound.
Be smart and exert precautions.
Keep them safe and secure!
Never leave them alone unless in a secure, safe environment.
Never leave them alone, unattended or off leash if outside.
Never bring them to an actual fireworks show as they will be petrified of the loud booms in such close proximity.
Keep them inside safe and secure!
Ideally, keep them home securely inside a room with all windows locked. Play music or turn on the TV to provide distractions to attempt to cover up the booms.
Use a Thundershirt, Storm Defender or Anxiety Wrap. These swaddle them and make them feel more protected. If you don't have, even a tight fitting tee shirt can be helpful.
Diffuse pure grade lavender and grounding oils. If you have used essential oils topically on dogs in the past successfully on your pet, now would be a great time to use them again.
Bach Flower Remedies for calming.
Gentle massage or pet them along their bladder meridian....down the center line of the back, from head to tail in slow, repeated soft strokes.
Stay calm yourself.
Remember dogs have very sensitive ears. My little one can hear fireworks miles away and starts to panic. I remember we were out walking and she went into a panic mode. I could not understand why until about 10 minutes later on our way home, I could see fireworks off in the far distance -about 5-10 towns away!
Here is an article I found with other tips.
The big bang theory is no theory – it’s real and is terrifying for many dogs, and also some cats.
Even the most patriotic All-American dogs –American Cocker Spaniels to Boston Terrier - have no way to understand what the those unpredictable explosions are all about. If the fireworks happen to be nearby, dogs may be able to smell them and even feel their vibrations, adding to their fear factor.
At least we know when the fireworks will occur, beginning a couple of days before July 4, and continuing a few days after.
What you do about it can depend on just how scared your pet happens to be. Begin with a consultation with your veterinarian or a veterinary technician with behavioral training.
If your pet’s terror is over the top, shaking, excessively salivating, becoming incontinent and/or not eating and described as “inconsolable” – the most humane approach may be anti-anxiety medication. Today enlightened veterinarians know what to prescribe. For example, a drug called acepromazine is no longer suggested, as it was years ago, because it doesn’t impact the dog’s seriously heightened high anxiety level, it merely causes drowsiness. Similarly, Benadryl can make dogs sleepy. So, with enough of the drug, the dog snoozes on and off, but the terror and the fear of the terror remains.It’s arguably inhumane to force drowsiness in a terrified pet. Imagine, you are frightened because you’re in a room filled spiders. To get over the fear, your doctor gives you a sedative – now you’re forcibly falling asleep among the creepy crawlies, as you may struggle to stay awake. True anti-anxiety medication affects brain chemistry to effectively lessen anxiety. A specific medication that works for one dog may not be as effective for another, and some drugs require time to kick in. It’s best to not wait until July 3 to consult your veterinarian.
For many dogs, drugs may not be required. Instead, behavior modification might do the trick, particularly if you supplement with some products listed below.
Start by desensitizing and counterconditioning your dog to the sounds of fireworks. The idea is to play the sounds of the big bangs very softly as the pup plays or eats, and ever so gradually pump up the volume (and bring play or the food dish closer to the speakers).
At, you can download a free MP3 of fireworks sounds. Celebrated dog trainer Victoria Stilwell from Animal Planet’s “It’s Me or the Dog” offers an entire program with firework sounds on her site, $19.98, Stilwell partners with “Though a Dog’s Ear,” $29.98, on another site.
For some dogs, what might work is to combine several of the products listed below – and “jollying.” Take your pet to the basement, or the most secluded room in your home. Pump up the music so the dog doesn’t hear the fireworks.
( and other sites have music specifically made to help relax worried dogs. Another idea is play classical music, which studies show, can lower anxiety), and simply try to distract your dog or cat with play. Don’t worry, you’re not rewarding your pet’s fear; instead you are readjusting from fearful mode into play mode.
Here are some products which might help:
Adaptil: A copy of the natural comforting pheromone released by mother dogs to reassure puppies. Adaptil is available as a plug-in diffuser, or collar to go wherever your dog goes.
Thundershirt, Storm Defender, Anxiety Wrap: Each of these options provides something for the dog to wear which has a potentially calming affect:
Thundershirt: A vest that applies gentle, constant pressure, similar to swaddling an infant,
Storm Defender with its special lining, around your dog may bring relief to your nervous pet,
Anxiety Wrap uses acupressure and gentle, maintained pressure to relieve stress and end fear in dogs,
Zylkene: A nutritional supplement derived from casein, a protein in milk, and is used to promote relaxation.
CALM: A Royal Canin prescription diet for cats and smaller dogs; it includes two amino acids that help pets maintain emotional balance. Alpha-casozepine,s derived from milk, is shown to have calming effects and so does L-tryptophan. In addition, the formulas include Nicotinamide, also known as Vitamin B3, which creates a calming effect within the central nervous system.
Anxitane: A nutritional supplement that contains L-Theanine, an amino acid that’s proven to reduce stress,
Ear Plugs for dogs: Several sources, mostly originally created for gun dogs, includes Ear Muffs for dogs. Sometimes convincing dogs to keep them on is the challenge,
There are a wide variety of other “calming products,” from aromatherapy to other nutritional supplements. Most of these are without much basis in science, but can certainly work for individual pets.
Most important, no open door policies around the Fourth as frantic pets bolt in surprisingly high numbers. Microchip all dogs and cats, and register them with the microchip provider just cases a pet does get out.
Steve Dale PetWorld, LLC; Tribune Content Agency