You can use the search tool on our website to see whether a contractor is registered as a Home Improvement Contractor If you are unable to find the contractor, it may be because their HIC registration is expired and : he/she has failed to renew it, the contractor has a complaint on file that has not yet been adjudicated, the contractor has not paid his/her registration fees, wickliffegdc com index php community profile carolyndescotea , or the registration has been suspended or revoked because of a Hearing Officer's decision Hiring a local home remodeler requires planning accordingly, asking questions, and learning their work process Choose the best home remodeling contractor by: Out of the 1,116 complaints filed against home improvement contractors in 2017, 509 cases proceeded to mediation Complaints that did not move to mediation were either withdrawn or did not have the necessary paperwork to proceed Of the cases that went to mediation, only 71 resulted in homeowners getting monetary restitution from their contractors, while 61 were resolved without financial compensation but to the satisfaction of the consumer Some of the remaining cases were sent to a judge or an outside agency like the district attorney’s office for resolution affordable master bathroom remodelDIY Bathroom Remodeling Tip: While you’re rehanging drywall and painting, it’s the perfect time to start retiling your shower and tub area if you plan to do so Check out these handy tips to follow when tiling your bathroom nmpeoplesrepublick com community profile concettacochran , walls or adding a backsplash Before we discuss small bathroom remodel costs, we firsturl de b15X7yF , should try to learn why people have issues with small bathrooms As you likely have guessed already, the main problem here is the lack of space Most small bathrooms comprise a toilet, tub, and standard single vanity crammed into a tiny space For this reason, it can be quite uncomfortable and suffocating Also omg, that bathroom is HUGE! Such great bones for the next owners someday You do not have to spend too much to get that oasis-like bathroom space Creativity and resourcefulness is the key to efficiently spruce up your old bathroom space To guide you further, read through the entire article on our small bathroom remodeling cost per square foot to remodel kitchenGenerally, the most expensive aspect of a kitchen remodel is the cabinets Cabinets are not cheap, going for anywhere from $50 per square foot to $1,250 per square foot You can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 coub com remodel-townhouse-2 , to $10,000 on just a cabinet replacement Appliances: 10 to 20 percent "Placement of the dishwasher nova-wiki win index php Master_bathroom_shower_remodel is the most common hurdle Where the dishwasher goes is often ignored or undervalued," says Steve "The dishwasher