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It’s that time of year again! As you prepare for your family’s safety, don’t forget to prep for your pets’ safety too!

Here is a checklist of some things to put together in your pets’ emergency kit:

  • Medicines & vet records

  • Food, treats, water and bowls to serve them in.

  • Travel beds or blankets.

  • Leash, harness and collar.

  • Spikes to put in the ground to tether a leash to.

  • Raingear, including rain boots.

  • Wipes as they can get dirty out there…..smelly too!

  • A portable fan with extra batteries. The big box home goods stores sell fans with batteries that once charged last 18 hours. Good for you too! I believe they also have car chargers for these batteries.

  • Flash lights with extra batteries for night potty breaks. And don’t forget the poopy bags too!

  • Life preservers for areas near water.

  • Cool/wet collars for hot days.

  • Toys and bones to occupy them.

  • Insect repellant.

  • First aid kits for your fur buddies, and you too!

Dog & Friends offers many natural ways to protect your pets, as well as yourselves. Avoid toxic treatments for bugs, ants, ticks, mosquitoes and those pesky fleas. I have only used pure therapeutic grade essential oils for the past few years and never have a pest problem, in the home or with my pets. Something to consider year round versus putting poisonous chemicals in and on your furry loved ones.

And for year-round first aid on emotional and physical levels, always have a bottle of purelavender around. It will be your “go-to” for so many things and great to have on hand all the time! It will act as a calming agent for your pets and you too during emergencies and storms! Besides calming, it is an antihistamine, an antiseptic- great for cuts, burns or wounds. Lavender also will assist to repel insects and will calm any bites. This should be a must have in all your medicine cabinets and first aid kits.

Also for nighttime walks or power outages, we sell collars with attached strobe lights. This way your dog lights the walking path for both of you, leaving you hands free! They are inexpensive and wonderful for evening walks!

Lets hope we don’t have to resort to emergency measures due to a storm, but best to be prepared.

As always, feel free to reach me with any of your questions.

And please be safe this hurricane season!

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